Message from Bro Joe Madhu and Sis Jessie Veena For this Christmas Day

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Invaluable to God

Someone considered negligible.

Someone considered God forbidden.

Someone considered useless and good for nothing.

Someone considered the least.

Yet God is considering them absolutely important and forever useful for him.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” –John 3:16

“Mankind was considered absolutely God forbidden. However God did not take mankind forever. he sent his only begotten son saviour Jesus Christ” –Romans 5:6-11

Powerless against sin: When we were powerless against sin God has planned his salvation for us.

The birth of Jesus Christ the son of God in human form is the demonstration of god's love… God's love towards mankind.
We were sinners: When we were powerless against sin we became sinners.
For the sake of us, sinners Christ died for us. His precious blood justified as before God Thus, we are saved through Christ from the wrath of god.
When we were enemies: Our powerlessness against sin made us to become sinners and our sinfulness made us become enemies to God. And the death of our lord Jesus Christ gave us peace with God. This is called as reconciliation to God. The resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ has saved us .

All this while we are useless.

We should never feel dejected, rejected, lonely or useless. The birth of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ demonstrates how much valuable we are for God.
Our lord Jesus questions us in Matthew 6:26 "are you not much more valuable than the birds of the air?"

You are God's own property.
You are God's own child
You are God's heir

All this and much more through His precious Son our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

Heavenly father, god of creation, I thank you for considering me and the whole of mankind as valuable in you sight through your beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I come to you through the precious blood He shed for me on the cross. I am saved! I am your property! Forever I am your child!

Thank you for the birth, life, sacrifice, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

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